'Plants of the Kerry Biosphere' webinar

The latest in a webinar series jointly hosted by UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man and the Republic of Ireland’s two Biospheres takes place online on Friday 13th August, 7pm.

13th August 2021

The latest in a webinar series jointly hosted by UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man and the Republic of Ireland’s two Biospheres takes place online on Friday 13th August, 7pm.

‘Plants of the Kerry Biosphere’ will feature three knowledgeable conservationists/ecologists from Kerry.

The webinar is part of a year-long series marking the 50th anniversary of the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Programme.

Jo Overty, UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man Project officer, said: ‘The webinar series is enabling our Biosphere, Dublin Bay Biosphere and Kerry Biosphere to share topics of interest and learn from each other.

‘Each webinar has been fascinating and each can be watched back on Kerry Biosphere’s YouTube channel.

‘We in the Isle of Man next host a webinar in September ,when we turn our attention to culture.’

Sign up for the webinar free of charge here

The webinars last around an hour and there is a chance for questions afterwards.


If you love the Isle of Man and want to help keep it special, there are a variety of ways to get involved in UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man projects. Here are a few suggestions.

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