Volunteers sought to grow Refill scheme

Breeshey Kermode, UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man Project Assistant and Refill Isle of Man Delivery Partner, tells us about an exciting volunteering opportunity open to Island residents this year.

Breeshey Kermode, UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man Project Assistant and Refill Isle of Man Delivery Partner, tells us about an exciting volunteering opportunity open to Island residents this year:

As we welcome in the New Year with open elbows, many of us are craving something positive to look forward to in the month that has 31 days and 31 million hours.

It has been a troublesome couple of years for all of us and sadly, the pandemic has negatively impacted not just ourselves but also our environment.

For the purpose of this article, I am referring to single-use items, particularly plastics. There is an overwhelming amount of information available to us regarding plastic pollution yet people are still choosing to use these items every day. I am not here to drag you down with more doom and gloom but to let you know how you can help to make a difference through volunteer work.

At UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man we strive to support, educate, inform and guide individuals and organisations to be more aware of their impact and ultimately lead them to make more sustainable and conscious decisions every day. This is done through a multitude of projects and with much help from our hardworking and committed partners, stakeholders and many more dedicated ‘Biospheroes’.

Many of our Partners are working around the clock to keep each cranny of our Island clean and free of pollution but sadly until it is addressed at the source it will continue.  

Refill Isle of Man is a campaign run by UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man that aims to tackle plastic pollution at the source by signing up cooperating Stations to the free Refill app and enabling residents and visitors to choose to reuse wherever they are.

Refill Isle of Man connects people to places they can eat, drink and shop without the pointless packaging.

When you download the free Refill app you can tap into a network of places across the island that enable you to reduce, reuse and refill as you go about your day.

There are currently 154 Refill Stations across the Island and the scheme complements the Single Use Plastics Reduction Plan for the Isle of Man Community and aims to see long-term changes in social behaviour, recognising that this can’t happen overnight.

This is where you come in - we are seeking enthusiastic volunteers to help us to keep in touch with and support current Refill Stations, to sign up new Stations and generally spread the word about Refill Isle of Man and the benefits of utilising the free scheme.

So if you enjoy meeting and chatting to people, are passionate about our Biosphere and the environment we all share, or are simply twiddling your thumbs and looking for something to do in your spare time, then this could be the perfect opportunity for you.

Volunteering for Refill Isle of Man will be a rewarding experience that can enhance your people skills, brush up your knowledge on environmental issues and sustainability and allow you to meet like-minded individuals.

There are no contracted hours or criteria, other than you must be at least 16 years of age. Your volunteering would be centred on your commitments, lifestyle and what you are able to contribute. It will involve an informal training session and then regular contact with us for support, resources and campaign updates for as long as you wish to work with us.

If you are interested in getting involved or simply want more information about volunteering and what it will entail, please contact me, Breeshey Kermode, at Refill@gov.im or call 01624 695738.

Refill Isle of Man is a campaign run by City to Sea, a not for profit organisation.  

Posted up on 10th January 2022


If you love the Isle of Man and want to help keep it special, there are a variety of ways to get involved in UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man projects. Here are a few suggestions.

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